We are a philanthropic payments solutions company that enables businesses to donate for free with our innovative No-Cost Donations™ program. We are partnered with leading payment processors to offer the best services from high to low risk, and advise businesses on their payment processing options. We help new businesses get competitive rates and for existing businesses we always assure a matched or reduced effective rate to make our solution is truly No-Cost. We then donate 25% of Give Credit’s revenue earned through processing your business payments to the charity of your choice on your behalf! Join the movement and be a part of the change in your community without sacrificing your bottom line. We not only serve Non-Profits through Businesses payments, we also support them by maximizing their donations through their own payments and/or increasing contributions with our Fundraiser Partner Program. Learn more below

We like to Give Credit where we believe credit is do, that why we created our Handy Verification Badge so businesses can get the recognition they deserve for being a part of the change in their community and so your customers will know they are making a difference when they shop at your business!

At Give Credit we advise businesses on which charities in their communities are struggling the most to give them options that might align with their business (i.e restaurant / food bank), yet sometimes our Giving Partners may have a non profit they have always wants to support or that is near and dear to them and that’s ok too. You pick the purpose, you choose the charity!

We offer a full range of Industry Leading & Award Winning Merchant Solutions with State-of-the-Art Security Features to meet all your payment processing needs.

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